
Homeo Doctor

Sunday, March 11, 2012

BK Shivani - Depression 01

Happiness Index
We seek it here, we seek it there, every human being seeks happiness everywhere. The search for happiness consumes our lives, though we may not be aware that happiness is what we seek. Sadly many of us continually postpone our happiness - indefinitely. lt's not that we consciously set out to do so, but we keep convincing
ourselves, "Someday l'll be happy". We tell ourselves we'Il be happy when our bills are paid, when we get out of school, get our first job, when we have a nicer car, a better house. The truth is there is no better time to be happy than right now. lf not now, when?
Happiness is our creation and we have the power when and how to create it. In this series we explore the journey to overcome expectations and desires; forget the past, not depend on the future, live in the present; not ask others for happiness, instead create it and share it with them.
Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey. Happiness is not tomorrow, it is now. Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision.

Meditation Techniques in Hindi

This video tell about deep meditation. A journey from beginning to end. It tell using 3D models that how easy and simple to meditate.Meditation techniques are easy. For full knowledge of kundalini jagran. Awaken 6th sense. Watch this video. It will tell in scientific way how we are part of universe

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


DEPRESSION Distrust and resentment - lazy contentment difficult enunciation- thinks companions are laughing at him; conscious of unusual energy and intellectual power. Drowsiness; followed by consciousness of unusual energy. ANHALONIUM
DEPRESSION But demands adoration and affection. So utmost affection is needed to bring out of a aurum state of mind. AURUM MET
DEPRESSION Depression, aversion to company. In 200 potency 2 doses. CADM SULPH
DEPRESSION Melancholic or doubting mood; fears disease, misery and disaster, of being observed, of insanity etc. , every kind of fear. CALC CARB
DEPRESSION Has depression as the characteristic mental symptom. CALOTROPIS
DEPRESSION He had committed a great sin and grieves over it. CYCLAMEN
DEPRESSION Mentally, cyclamen reminds one of drosera, with its illusion of being persecuted by everyone; or again of staphysagria, with a/f inward grief, or terrors of conscience; as if he had committed a bad act or had not his duty. CYCLAMEN

Computer Software

Computer Software

There is an increasing range of computer software available, intended both for the homeopathic practitioner and the interested layman or woman. Program details are included here only at the request of the publisher.

Shareware Freeware

Commercial Programs

There is a detailed (but now out-of-date - 1996) independent review of the three main commercial programs by Chris Kurz, editor of Homeopathy Online

For these three professional programs, you will need to compare details on their sites:

Kent Homeopathic Associates, Inc.
Creators of MacRepertory, ReferenceWorks, Zizia and Thema, Available for Windows and Macintosh.
RADAR in the USA and Canada
Software for Windows and Mac
Cara and Similia from the UK
Software for Mac and Windows

Other commercial programs:
The Pocket Homeopath
The first PDA homeopathic remedy finder for the Palm OS
Caduceus for Palm
including a free basic version
Homeopathic Remedy Finder
An inexpensive commercial program for beginners
New consumer software from the authors of CARA
Earth's Remedy
An inexpensive Windows programme which references over 700 symptoms and 300 remedies
The Homeopathic Recorder
Case recording and analysis system
Cara - Asian distributor
based in India
Cara Pakistan
RADAR in the UK
Software for Windows and Mac
RADAR in Germany
Software for Windows and Mac
RADAR in Australia
RADAR in South Africa
RADAR in South America
RADAR in Brazil
Distributors for RADAR, Encyclopedia Homeopathica, and AcuVision in North America
Software for Windows
Repertorium Homeopathicum digital II
Materia medica available in English, Spanish and Portuguese
Boger's Comparative Software
on Boger's Card Repertory General Analysis
Cough and Cold Prescriber
designed by Dr Rajesh Shah
Homeopathic software tools
PulsNet Multimedia Services
Popular software available in Karachi, Pakistan
Anahata Homeopathic Software
Makers of AtamA and Remedy Keys
Professional, academic and first aid software for Windows and Mac
Software for Windows in German
in German, based on the Complete Repertory
MedicalPro Homöopathie in German
Homeo Doctor
Homeopathic database (Excel) software for Windows
Homeopathic/astrological repertorising (German)
SAMUEL-Serie Software
German language professional search and analysis software
Genuine Homöopatische Software - für die homöopathische - aber auch allgemeinmedizinische Praxis mit Ambitionen zur Homöopathie (German)
Repertório Homeopático Digital
Portuguese language repertory software (Boericke)
Portuguese language software
Portuguese language professional software
Palmtop Repertory for Psion Series 3, compiled from Synthesis; English or German versions - for information mail Fawnbench Ltd., UK
Homeopathy @ Work
Remedy finder
Homeopathy Assistant
Aid to remedy selection

Patient information and management database
Boennrep - Boenninghausen shareware Repertory and office management (English/German)
Homöopathische Hausapotheke


Online Repertorisation from Kent
A world first from H.I. - full software online!!

The Prescriber Online
A Net remedy finder, usable only online
The Duprat Expert System
In six languages, a repertorising programme for DOS and MAC - 278 rubrics, 398 remedies
Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica based on Kent by Dr. Vardges Harutyunyan
Remedy Keys
Learn MM remedy keynotes
Free software from Pakistan
from Zentrum Publishing
Le système expert "Duprat" - French and Esperanto
Homeopathic Traveller's Pharmacy
A DOS program to help you put the right kit together and use it correctly - German language